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Music is everywhere. Never before in history have we had instant access to any song that has ever been recorded. As Christians we seek to honor God in all that we do, including the music we listen to and the songs that we sing (Psalm 150). Music is powerful, poetic, artistic, emotional, influential, truthful, and speaks to our souls in a way that other things cannot. Therefore, it is necessary that we sing and listen to music that shows not only we profess Jesus but that He in fact possesses us (Colossians 3:16). Christ owns your soul, Christ owns your life, He ought to own your ears. 

Things We Should Give Our Ears To
We have thousands of options as to who and what we give our ears to. Options are a blessing, but also a curse as it makes it difficult for Christians to find and discern which music is worth a listen. To make things more complex, we each have different upbringings, experiences and preferences which influence what music we like and what music we consider to be “the most Christian”. We must look to the Spirit of God through the Word of God to show us what music is for and which music we should listen to. 

What Music Is For
It is evident in both creation and Scripture that God created music and gave us the ability to participate in it. Music is a gift God gave us as a blessing, to then use it as means to bless Him. It is not something we get to take and use in whatever way we please, for He gets to determine what its uses are.

Here is what music is for:

  1. Music is for the soul (Psalm 103:1-2)
  2. Music is for the church (Ephesians 5:19)
  3. Music is for God (1 Chronicles 16:9)

Practical Application 
As Christians, rather than ask what music we can listen to, ask what music we should listen to. This is a lot more practical than we think, and way less complex than we make it. Consider this:

You should listen to any and all music that stirs your attention and affection toward the things of God. 

Music should cause both the individual soul and the collective body (the church) to think about God, to speak about God, to sing about God, to then obey God, tell others about God, and to give your life to God. This can happen through any genre of music which elevates the name of Christ. Some songs will be used for personal worship, and others will be used for corporate worship, but all is a blessing that should be utilized. 

When choosing music you consume, consider these practical questions:

Theological Accuracy - Is the song biblically accurate in word and message? Does it stir your soul to worship both in spirit and truth? Does it speak truthfully of God’s truth, character, will and decree?

Diverse Genres - Do your song choices range from psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs? Do your song choices range from multiple eras, cultures and styles? Do your song choices range in pace, perspective and volume? Does the song lack lyrical depth? Does the song lack musical depth?

Our goal is not to be hyper-critical, rather it’s about growing in our ability to actively listen to music rather than passively. Know God, know scripture and you will have all the discernment you need. 

Secular Music
On occasion, secular music can also be used as a blessing. Songs about life, love, loss, and created things ultimately point back to the One who created all things, regardless of the intentions of the artist. The Holy Spirit gives us the ability to take even secular things and see God's handprint in them, for all things originate from God. Still, always use wisdom and caution when participating in music that isn’t directly used for the glory of Christ. 

Let's also remember that any music which discusses and promotes things that are anti-God, His Word, and His ways are to be avoided. Let’s not use our liberty in Christ to fulfill the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:13). 

When it comes to music, scripture is clear that there is no particular era, culture, or style that holds a monopoly on what is considered “approved Christian music”.

There is no time in history or place on earth where God has not and is not working; all things are able to bring majesty, dominion, glory and power to His name. Be encouraged that Jesus is exclusive, but how He is worshiped is diverse. The book of Revelation professes that all nations, tribes, peoples, and languages will worship before the throne of the lamb (Rev. 7:9-10). Christ calls us to unity not uniformity, and this is a wonderful thing. As a Christian, choosing which type of music you consume is this - “...whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God” (1 Corn. 10:31).  

Helpful Resource 
At Grace Church, we have a Spotify playlist that is updated weekly with all the songs that we sing together as a church. Feel free to use this as a helpful resource to find musical artists that are active in a wide variety of styles, time periods and themes. As a bonus, it will also help you to participate more freely in our corporate signing each week. 

Serving with you, 

Joshua Black