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When I was called to plant a church, we never could have anticipated the journey that lay ahead. It has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of our lives. Church plants have a uniqueness that established churches lack, as the culture of the community is formed and set for years to come. Many churches create a mission statement and core values to define themselves, and while some might see this as borrowing from secular business culture, we believe it fulfills an integral principle seen throughout the Scriptures: planning and preparation. Scripture declares, "plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed" (Prov. 15:22). We are also commanded to "commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." (Prov. 16:3).

Our God is orderly, and His plans are never thwarted. We can reflect on the Gospel and how Jesus gave His life for those who trust in Him, securing salvation by God's providence and plan. Plans matter, and setting out a vision for a local church rooted in the Scriptures is not only wise but necessary. Aimlessness rarely succeeds. Lack of clarity almost always produces ambiguity, so we look to the authority of our God for direction on what we desire for His people, the church.

Today, I want to share the simple reality of what Grace Church is all about. Simply, we aim to know Jesus and make Him known in Sunbury/Galena, Ohio, greater Columbus, and the ends of the earth. This is the call for every Christian, but specifically, it is the call of our church. We seek to have people in our church who are growing in their walk with Jesus and reaching others with the life-changing message of the gospel. Friends, we are going somewhere because God continually changes the lives of His people by His Spirit. Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, "I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil. 1:6).

Know Jesus
Let me introduce you to a theological term for understanding Christ: Theocentricity. To be theocentric is to be God-centered. God-centered worship is one of our core values as a church and something we ought to strive for when we gather, but it truly begins on a personal level through the individuals that make up Grace Church. How can you and I grow in our understanding of Christ? It has been and will always be through the diligent study and reading of His Word and the revelation of His Spirit by the Word. Knowing God requires exploring the various ways He has revealed Himself in Scripture. It involves a passionate study of God’s attributes and actions, which in turn bears the fruit of fellowship with God and adoration of who He is and what He has done.

Knowing Christ begins at the “new birth” or salvation, a moment when you trust Christ alone for salvation from your rebellious state. As I explained to a group of teens this week, you go from thinking, “Christianity is weird, I don’t get it,” to “this is real, legitimate, and I would give my life for the gospel.” From rejecting it to not getting enough of it!

Please do not misunderstand me; there are times in our walk with Christ when we might not feel “up to it.” However, following Jesus and truly knowing Him involves gradual growth and change called “sanctification.” It is this process that we imperfectly grow in "the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Pet. 3:18).

So how are you exposing yourself to growth in Christ? If you haven’t started a Bible Reading Plan, there are many ways you can start TODAY. Is there a topic that intrigues you about the character and nature of God? Would you consider taking a week to study it? Do you regularly engage with the preaching and teaching of the Word through your local church? Do you actively listen and sing the Word through encouraging Christ-centered music? There are practical steps you can take to kindle your affections for Christ! It must be our desire to cultivate that biblical reality—no matter the blessing or difficulty, Christ is our life!

Make Him Known
Have you ever been super excited about a vacation? You planned for it, blocked out time, and spent much of the month prior preparing. It’s natural to speak of the fun and excitement of the trip. While this is not a perfect illustration, the same can be said about making Jesus known. When we live in passionate adoration of who He is and what He has done for us, we can't help but speak of Him. The world is a dark place; sin and injustice abound. While some Christians might seek to “shelter in place,” Christ calls us to make disciples. Jesus says, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Mat. 28:19-20).

At Grace Church, we pray that EVERY individual would seek to multiply the gospel in their lives. It's easy to think it is “the pastor’s job to preach the gospel,” but Christ has commanded every disciple to make Jesus known. So how do we accomplish the mission Christ has given? It starts with you and me. Who are you actively sharing the gospel with? Who are you praying for? But it goes beyond that! As a collective church, we also seek to fund and support missionaries and ministries that promote the gospel locally, domestically, and around the world. Serving at Stowe, praying for the Pliskas, or heading out on a short-term mission trip all fulfill this call!

Church, the task is tall. But the mission is simple: 1) Know Jesus and 2) Make Him Known. As I said earlier, aimlessness rarely succeeds. As a church, we lay aside stagnation and spiritual indifference to “pursue as our goal the prize promised by God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1:6) My heart and prayer is that whatever step you as an individual need to take will serve and honor our God and benefit others in our local church collectively.