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Baptism isn't just about water; but rather an ordinance of commitment, given to us by Jesus Himself. Baptism stands as an illustration by a church to affirm a believer's faith in Jesus. As Christians we publicly declare our commitment to Christ and His family, the church. It's more than a personal milestone; but a moment where we join with the church, distinguishing ourselves from the world and stepping into a new way life.

So, why get baptized? It's Jesus' command (Matthew 28:19), a step He Himself took (Matthew 3:13-17), and our public declaration to follow Him. Understand that while baptism is a command and a declaration, it doesn't secure our salvation—that's through faith in Jesus alone (Romans 10:9-10). Baptism is simply an outward expression of the inward change and commitment we've made to follow Christ.

Who is called to this? Those who've consciously trusted in Christ, expressing their commitment to live for Him. If you've previously been baptized, especially before following Christ, we invite you to consider baptism as a true reflection of your commitment. However, if your baptism was a declaration of your faith, in a gospel-preaching church, it stands with your profession of faith in Jesus.

Ultimately, baptism is not just an individual declaration. It symbolizes the death and resurrection of Christ, our new life in Him, the cleansing from sin, and our welcome into God's family. It's about taking a step that marks us visibly as followers of Jesus, in a church that supports, celebrates, and walks with us.

If you're feeling the pull towards this step, or if you're simply curious and want to learn more, let's talk. Baptism is an invitation to a life transformed, a public declaration of an inward faith.